Professional Reviews

Bryan M. Litfin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Theology, Moody Bible Institute
Amy Peterson has captured the spirit of early Christianity in her gripping novel of life and death in the ancient church. The characters are authentic inhabitants of the Roman Empire, and yet they live out their faith in ways that are timeless and relevant for all generations. The theology of martyrdom--so central to the early church's perspective--is skillfully woven into the texture of the story.
Perpetua is a hagiography for our day: an historically accurate passion narrative that is imagined in rich detail and compelling in its spiritual demands on the Christian reader. In this novel a heroine of the faith is given a new voice, and the Paraclete is invited to do his transforming work in a fresh way.
Christian Book Previews
Reviewed by: Katie Hart
Product Rating: 5 out of 5
Debauchery. Promiscuousness. Killing babies. Drinking parties. Far-off stories of persecution. Is this 21st century America? No. Third century Carthage provides the backdrop for a young woman coming of age in Amy Rachel Peterson’s Perpetua. Having grown up under her moral father’s watchful eye, Perpetua is shocked by the corruptions permeating her social circle and beyond, yet they hold a certain lure for her. When her mother and brother return from a long vacation, Perpetua puzzles over the changes she sees in their lives, then learns they have joined a dreaded, mysterious cult. They are Christians. Perpetua tries to understand how her mother and Saturninus could forsake the gods they’ve worshipped for years, to risk their lives in near atheism. Then, in a moment of agonized clarity, she sees the idols for what they really are, and her one refuge is the faith she’s so despised. This riveting first-person novel draws on historical facts from the diary of the actual Perpetua. More than just a simple read, the book immerses the reader into the ancient Roman Empire with skill and intimacy. The plot pulses steadily with several twists and surprises, yet the depth of the prose causes the reader to linger, sipping insights like nectar. Romance occurs in the latter half of the novel, but the crux of the book is the passionate love story between Christ and His church.

Reviewed by: Jessica L. Simpson
“Please, before the gods,” she seized my arms, “tell me you are not a Christian!”
“I cannot swear to you by any of the gods you worship, Paulina. But can tell you of the One True God. Whom I love.”
“Don’t you see? If you stay a Christian, you might be killed.” Terror lept in and out of her eyes. I have never seen a woman so fearful. “Killed, Perpetua! Dead!” She shook me. “You have a son,” she pled, growing frantic.
“I choose Jesus.”
With one statement of faith, she was condemned to death, thrown to the beasts of the coliseum. It is a story transformed into legend—a romance, a historical biography, and a theological commentary.
Perpetua boldly recounts the narrative of a young noblewoman from ancient Carthage who comes to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Her resistance to pagan, Roman religions ultimately leads to her death. Perpetua became a martyr for Jesus Christ and is adopted by Christians throughout the ages as an emblem of feminine Christian strength.
Amy Rachel Peterson’s historical fiction novel is creative and poetic. Touchstones of modern culture are set in the structure of antiquity to tell a remarkably simple story. Romance, girlish giddiness, social competition, and spiritual warfare are grafted into the ancient Roman background: vivid descriptions of buildings, mobs, pagan worship, and Roman ideology.
Yet Peterson writes any way but simply. Her fusion of Latin and English challenge the reader to grasp the entirety of Rome, in speech and thought. And yet her Latin references are not awkward, but smooth and natural, as if the storyteller was a hybrid of ancient Rome and millennial America.
Though the story could be told in a few short chapters (as it has been done before), Peterson creates layers of creative tension. There is an obvious spiritual battle, epitomized by Perpetua’s own dramatic conversion. Peterson doesn’t conjure spiritual warfare from the gossamer realities of angels and demons, but rather gives them faces, personalities, and places in everyday society. Greedy, self-serving socialites and bitter, vengeful servants juxtapose the sincere and honest-hearted seekers—the devout, humble Christians. It gives the reader a true understanding of the scripture, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).
Layers of family history and social division turn the narrative into an involved journey into the heart of the heroine and the culture. Tertullian, the great apologetic and forerunner in the Arian controversy, appears in this novel as a wise (and somewhat legalistic) shepherd—a presbyter over a large congregation in Carthage, one that Perpetua’s mother is a part. Peterson does not back down from theological controversy in this narrative. She illustrates the Christian leaders just as they were—sincere, yes, but heady, arrogant, and a bit malicious when their personal views about Jesus Christ and the Scriptures were crossed.
“You act like a bunch of drunkards,” he growled, “you wave your hands and sway like you’re a pagan procession in the filthy streets, your women dance. Dance!” he spit out the word as if it was dirty.
“We must love the Lord with all our heart and soul and strength. Not just our mind,” Aspasius was flushed, but calm.
“Come, Aspasius, do not throw Scripture around as if it were your own private tool.”
Peterson’s gritty description of monumental instances in church history makes the truth accessible to the reader. Though it is a romantic novel, it is not romanticized. Christians are not depicted as flawless saints. The reader can identify with the characters—their faults, emotions, questions, and ultimate triumphs.
Perpetua is an ancient story with profound modern applications. The effort to keep oneself pure in light of sexual awakening, the longing for physical love, then for spiritual fulfillment and ultimately the submission to God’s perfect will is what makes this narrative universal.
When it is finished, the reader will discover the true peace of Jesus Christ—remaining steadfast and fearless no matter what is lurking in the shadows. Even when faced with imminent death, the reader can have the strength to say, “I choose Jesus.”
© 2005, Jessica L. Simpson
Jessica L. Simpson currently resides in Dover, DE with her husband of two years. She thinks Perpetua was a truly remarkable icon in Christian history. She also thinks everyone should be required to study Ancient Roman History.
Historical Fiction Review
Reviewed by: Lynda Ochsner
Perpetua: Historical Fiction About an Early Church Martyr
Perpetua: A Bride, A Passion, A Martyr, by first-time author Amy Rachel Peterson, tells a fascinating story which is made all the more interesting because it is based on a true one. In 203 A.D., five recently converted Christians in Carthage were turned over to the authorities for the crime of converting to Christianity, during the reign of Septimius Severus. These five included 22-year-old Perpetua, a noble woman with a baby; also two slaves, Felicitas and Revocatus; and Secundus and Saturninus. Saturus, their leader/mentor, soon turned himself in, to join these catechumen (converted less than three years before) in martyrdom. Perpetua is perhaps most remembered because she kept a diary during her capture. Her written account, and a subsequent eyewitness account, tells us of the imprisonment and martyrdom, but little is known about Perpetua (or her companions) before that point.
This novel attempts to fill that unknown part, depicting with great detail a fictional story about Perpetua’s last three years of life. From a dramatic conversion experience, through early days of immaturity followed by spiritual growth and understanding, Perpetua approaches her destiny even as she experiences the normal stages of young life. The 19-year-old living at her parents’ home soon falls in love, marrying and becoming a mother to a young son.
Two of the other martyred Christians appear prominently: Saturninus as Perpetua’s brother, and Saturus as her husband. Though these relationships are most likely fictional, the story is interesting and thus involves the other martyred characters. Felicitas and Revocatus also have an interesting story, at first on the sidelines but revealed later on as martyrdom approaches. A cast of mostly fictional characters completes the world of ancient Carthage, as Perpetua in her daily life moves among the different social circles – her wealthy pagan friends from the years past along with her new friends (mostly from the lower social classes), that meet in small house-churches. The early church leader Tertullian is also present, a minor character (in terms of actual dialogue) but a major part of the early Christians’ lives, as they discuss his ideas.
The author has done an excellent job, too, with her historical research, blending in the social and religious dynamics of Carthage, creating a world that Perpetua might very well have experienced. The Punic influence still abides, harkening back to an earlier civilization (originally settled by Tyre) crushed by Rome. This later society speaks both Latin and Punic, and some of Punic descent mingle with the pure-blooded Romans. The author wonderfully describes Carthage’s plethora of gods and goddesses with a wry sort of humor, exposing the moral hypocrisy of the times. As one character puts it, a woman can partake in sexual immorality to please Venus at night, and then give offerings to Isis (for the women who deny such pleasures) the next morning: "please Venus at night, Isis in the morning." Other aspects of the story likewise reflect the Carthaginian spirit: festivals for their god Tanit, and even the dark underworld of pagans still practicing the old religion of child sacrifice.
The story’s outcome, martyrdom, is known and clear from the beginning; and perhaps the theme of impending martyrdom is overdone, as though the characters knew from the very beginning what would happen. Still, Christians of that time no doubt considered such things, given the hostile climate they faced in a land that did not understand such "freedom of religion" American concepts we so take for granted.
The author skillfully blends the fictional with the true story, fitting all the pieces together even to the ending, which is largely based on the actual document of "The Passion of the Holy Martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas." In a clever, interesting way the author creates rich details of real characters behind the names of those only mentioned in that document, such as Quintus and Jocundus. Perhaps to avoid publishing bad doctrine, this novel also offers a more theologically-sound twist on the real Perpetua’s dreams about her lost brother, Dinocrates, who had died of cancer at a young age. Perpetua: A Bride, A Martyr, a Passion is an excellent book that focuses attention on a story we don’t hear much about today, while enlightening us about ancient Rome -- a setting further back than most historical novels care to consider.
Moola Singh (Guest) |
04/03/2023 04:05 |
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04/08/2023 00:13 |
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Check your Internet Connection: Before you start troubleshooting your Linksys router, check your internet connection. Verify that your internet service provider is working correctly, and there is no outage in your area. Try to connect to the internet on another device, such as your smartphone or tablet, to make sure that the problem is not with your internet connection.
Restart your Router: If your internet connection is working correctly, try restarting your router. Power off the router and unplug it from the power source. Wait for a few minutes, then plug it back in and turn it on. Wait for the router to boot up completely, and then try to connect to the internet.
Check the Cables: Check the cables connecting your router to the modem and the power source. Ensure that they are properly plugged in and not damaged. If you find any damaged cables, replace them with new ones.
Reset your Router: If restarting your router does not work, you can try resetting it to its default settings. Look for the reset button on the back of the router and press it for about 10 seconds. This will erase all the settings on the router, including the password. You will need to set up your router again from scratch.
Update the Firmware: Outdated firmware can also cause connectivity issues with your Linksys router. Visit the Linksys website and download the latest firmware for your router. Follow the instructions to install the firmware update.
Disable Security Software: Sometimes, the security software on your computer can prevent your Linksys router from connecting to the internet. Disable the security software temporarily and try to connect to the internet again.
Contact Linksys Support: If none of the above steps work, contact Linksys support for further assistance. They can guide you through the troubleshooting process and provide you with a solution.
In conclusion, Linksys router problems are not uncommon, but with the above troubleshooting tips, you can easily fix most issues. If you still can't connect to the internet, seek professional help. for More information visit us:-https://www.callroutersupport.com/linksys-router-not-connecting/
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Randy Mitchel (Guest) |
04/17/2023 04:02 |
Google advertising, also known as Google Ads, is an online advertising platform developed by Google. It allows businesses to create and display ads to users who are searching for products or services on Google or its partner websites. https://www.onlinemarketingpal.in/adwords-marketing/
Google Ads works on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where businesses bid on specific keywords and phrases related to their products or services. When a user searches for these keywords, the businesses' ads appear at the top of the search results, marked with "Ad" or "Sponsored" labels. The businesses only pay when a user clicks on their ad, hence the name pay-per-click.
Google Ads offers a variety of ad formats, including search ads, display ads, video ads, and shopping ads. Businesses can also target their ads based on geographic location, demographics, interests, and behaviors, among other criteria.
Google Ads can be a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience and drive website traffic and conversions. However, it requires careful planning and management to ensure that the ads are effective and that the business is getting a good return on investment.
A Facebook marketing expert is someone who has extensive knowledge and experience in creating and managing effective Facebook marketing campaigns for businesses.
A Facebook marketing expert understands the platform's algorithms and features, and can use this knowledge to create compelling and targeted ads that reach the right audience at the right time. They can also help businesses optimize their Facebook page and content strategy, to ensure that they are engaging with their followers and driving conversions.
Some key skills that a Facebook marketing expert may possess include: https://www.onlinemarketingpal.in/facebook-marketing/
Knowledge of Facebook's advertising policies and guidelines Ability to create and manage effective Facebook ad campaigns, including targeting, bidding, and ad creative Understanding of Facebook Insights and other analytics tools, and ability to use data to optimize campaigns Knowledge of best practices for Facebook content creation, including visuals, copywriting, and video Ability to stay up-to-date with changes and updates to the Facebook platform and adjust strategies accordingly. Businesses can benefit from hiring a Facebook marketing expert to help them maximize their ROI from their Facebook advertising and overall social media presence.
Social media ads refer to advertisements that are displayed on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. These ads are a form of online advertising that allows businesses to reach their target audience using demographic and behavioral data.
Social media ads can be displayed in various formats such as images, videos, carousels, and stories. They can be used to promote products or services, increase brand awareness, drive traffic to a website, generate leads, and boost sales. https://www.onlinemarketingpal.in/social-media-marketing/
One of the advantages of social media ads is that they can be highly targeted, allowing businesses to reach their ideal audience based on factors such as age, gender, location, interests, and behavior. Additionally, social media ads are typically cost-effective, with businesses having the ability to set budgets and bid for ad placement.
Overall, social media ads can be an effective way for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience in a way that is cost-effective and measurable.
As a pay per click consultant, your primary responsibility is to help businesses maximize the return on investment (ROI) for their online advertising campaigns. This involves developing and implementing pay-per-click (PPC) strategies that help businesses generate leads, drive traffic to their websites, and increase sales.
Some of the key tasks you may undertake as a pay per click consultant include: https://www.onlinemarketingpal.in/pay-per-click/
Conducting keyword research to identify the most relevant and profitable keywords for your client's PPC campaigns.
Creating compelling ad copy that entices users to click on the ads and visit the client's website.
Developing and managing PPC campaigns across multiple platforms, such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads.
Monitoring campaign performance and making adjustments as needed to optimize results.
Analyzing and reporting on campaign data to identify trends, insights, and areas for improvement.
To become a pay per click consultant, you will need to have a strong understanding of online advertising, particularly PPC advertising. You should also be familiar with the major PPC platforms and have experience in creating and managing PPC campaigns. Additionally, you should have excellent analytical skills, as well as the ability to communicate effectively with clients and stakeholders.
Advertising on social media platforms has become a popular way for businesses to reach their target audience and promote their products or services. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Snapchat offer a variety of advertising options to businesses, including display ads, sponsored posts, video ads, and influencer marketing.
To advertise on social media, businesses need to create a business account on the platform of their choice and then create an ad campaign. https://www.hrefsolutions.com/social-media-marketing/ The ad campaign can be targeted based on various parameters such as age, gender, location, interests, and behaviors. The ad can also be tailored to different formats depending on the platform and the type of content being promoted.
It is important to note that social media advertising requires a well-planned strategy to be effective. Businesses need to identify their target audience, create compelling content, and choose the right platform for their advertising campaign. They should also set a budget and monitor the performance of their ads to ensure that they are getting the desired results.
Overall, advertising on social media can be a cost-effective and efficient way for businesses to promote their products or services and reach their target audience. However, it requires a thorough understanding of the platform and a well-planned strategy to be successful.
Google advertising, also known as Google Ads, is an online advertising platform developed by Google. It allows businesses to create and display ads to users who are searching for products or services on Google or its partner websites. https://www.hrefsolutions.com/adwords-marketing/
Google Ads works on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where businesses bid on specific keywords and phrases related to their products or services. When a user searches for these keywords, the businesses' ads appear at the top of the search results, marked with "Ad" or "Sponsored" labels. The businesses only pay when a user clicks on their ad, hence the name pay-per-click.
Google Ads offers a variety of ad formats, including search ads, display ads, video ads, and shopping ads. Businesses can also target their ads based on geographic location, demographics, interests, and behaviors, among other criteria.
Google Ads can be a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience and drive website traffic and conversions. However, it requires careful planning and management to ensure that the ads are effective and that the business is getting a good return on investment.
A Facebook marketing expert is someone who has extensive knowledge and experience in creating and managing effective Facebook marketing campaigns for businesses.
A Facebook marketing expert understands the platform's algorithms and features, and can use this knowledge to create compelling and targeted ads that reach the right audience at the right time. They can also help businesses optimize their Facebook page and content strategy, to ensure that they are engaging with their followers and driving conversions.
Some key skills that a Facebook marketing expert may possess include: https://www.hrefsolutions.com/facebook-marketing/
Knowledge of Facebook's advertising policies and guidelines Ability to create and manage effective Facebook ad campaigns, including targeting, bidding, and ad creative Understanding of Facebook Insights and other analytics tools, and ability to use data to optimize campaigns Knowledge of best practices for Facebook content creation, including visuals, copywriting, and video Ability to stay up-to-date with changes and updates to the Facebook platform and adjust strategies accordingly. Businesses can benefit from hiring a Facebook marketing expert to help them maximize their ROI from their Facebook advertising and overall social media presence.
Internet marketing services refer to a wide range of digital marketing strategies and techniques used to promote products, services or brands online. These services can include search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising (PPC), and more.
Here are some of the most common internet marketing services: https://www.hrefsolutions.com/internet-marketing/
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords.
Social Media Marketing (SMM): SMM involves the use of social media platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) to reach and engage with potential customers.
Content Marketing: Content marketing involves the creation and distribution of high-quality, valuable content (such as blog posts, videos, infographics, etc.) to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.
Email Marketing: Email marketing is the use of email campaigns to promote products or services, build relationships with customers, and increase brand awareness.
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC): PPC is a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. This is often used in conjunction with search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns.
Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): CRO involves the optimization of landing pages and other website elements to increase the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action (such as making a purchase or filling out a form).
There are many other internet marketing services available, and the best approach will depend on the specific needs and goals of your business.
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Go to the AOL Mail login page: https://www.contact-support-phone-number.com/aol-support/ Enter your AOL email address in the first field. Enter your password in the second field. Click on the "Sign In" button. If you have entered your login credentials correctly, you will be taken to your AOL Mail inbox. If you have trouble signing in, make sure that you have entered your email address and password correctly, and that your Caps Lock key is not turned on. If you continue to have problems, you can try resetting your password or contacting AOL customer support for further assistance.
Microsoft Edge is available for Mac. You can download it from the Microsoft Edge website https://www.contact-support-phone-number.com/microsoft-edge-support/ or from the Mac App Store. Once you have installed it, you can use it to browse the web, access your Microsoft account, and take advantage of various features such as collections, immersive reader, and more. Note that Microsoft Edge for Mac requires macOS 10.12 or later to run.
To download Google Chrome, follow these steps:
Open your current web browser and go to the following URL: https://www.contact-support-phone-number.com/google-chrome-support/ Click on the "Download Chrome" button located on the page. Review and accept the Terms of Service. Choose the appropriate version of Chrome for your computer's operating system. Click the "Download Chrome" button to start the download process. Once the download is complete, click on the installer to begin the installation process. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation process. Once the installation process is complete, you will have access to Google Chrome and can start using it as your default web browser.
Firefox is a popular web browser that is available for Mac computers. To download and install Firefox on your Mac, you can follow these steps:
Open a web browser on your Mac and go to the Firefox website at https://www.contact-support-phone-number.com/mozilla-firefox-support/
Click the "Download" button to start the download process.
Once the download is complete, double-click the downloaded file to open it.
Drag the Firefox icon to the Applications folder to install Firefox on your Mac.
After the installation is complete, you can open Firefox by double-clicking the icon in the Applications folder.
Alternatively, you can also download and install Firefox on your Mac from the Mac App Store. Simply search for "Firefox" in the App Store, click the "Get" button to download and install the app.
Once Firefox is installed, you can use it to browse the web, manage bookmarks, and access a variety of useful features and add-ons.
Apple provides several ways to get support for their products, including Mac computers. You can find the Mac support phone number for your region on the Apple Support website by following these steps:
Go to the Apple Support website at https://www.callsupportnumber.com/mac-support/ Scroll down to the "Contact Apple Support" section. Click on the "Mac" option. Choose the category that best matches your issue. Select the specific issue you are experiencing. Click on "See all contact options" to see a list of available support options. Choose "Call Apple Support" to see the Mac support phone number for your region. Alternatively, you can also contact Apple support through their online chat or email support options, which may be more convenient for some users.
Yahoo customer service can be contacted in several ways:
Contact Yahoo Help Central: You can visit the Yahoo Help Central website (https://www.callsupportnumber.com/yahoo-mail-support/) to access support articles and frequently asked questions. If you can't find the answer to your question, you can submit a support request.
Contact Yahoo Customer Care on Twitter: You can also reach out to Yahoo Customer Care on Twitter (@YahooCare) for assistance.
Contact Yahoo customer service by phone: If you prefer to speak to a representative, you can contact Yahoo customer service by phone. The phone number you need to call will depend on your location and the nature of your issue. You can find the phone number for your region on the Yahoo Help Central website.
It's important to note that Yahoo no longer offers customer support via email or chat.
The support number for Kaspersky may vary depending on your location and the product you are using. You can visit the Kaspersky website to find the appropriate support number for your country and product. https://www.callsupportnumber.com/kaspersky-support/
In the United States, the Kaspersky support number is +1 865-328-3525. However, it's always a good idea to check the official Kaspersky website for the latest information on their support services.
If you need support with Dropbox, you can contact their customer support team in a few different ways: https://www.callsupportnumber.com/dropbox-support/
Contacting Dropbox support online: You can submit a support ticket through Dropbox's website. Just go to the Dropbox Help Center, click on the "Contact us" button at the bottom of the page, and follow the prompts to fill out a support ticket.
Using the Dropbox Community: You can also try posting your question on the Dropbox Community forum. There, you can ask for help from other Dropbox users or Dropbox staff members.
Contacting Dropbox by phone: If you're a Dropbox Business customer or a paying Dropbox Plus or Professional user, you can contact Dropbox support by phone. You can find the phone number for your country on the Dropbox Help Center.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Randy Mitchel (Guest) |
04/17/2023 04:03 |
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aol (Guest) |
04/18/2023 00:52 |
informative post keep it up https://www.contact-phone-number.com/cisco-support/ http://www.callsupportteam.com/qsee-support/ https://www.contactsupportteam.com/toshiba-support/ https://www.callhelpsupport.com/kindle-support/ http://www.hrefsolutions.in/ http://www.tech-help-support.com/panasonic-printer-support/ http://www.contactvoicesupport.com/microsoft-edge-support/ https://www.festmarket.com/product-category/health-personal-care/health-care/alternative-medicine/ayurveda/
ne page (Guest) |
04/18/2023 00:52 |
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